Outreach is pleased to be hosting a dinner on Friday, November 15th, at 6 PM in the downstairs hall. It will feature a Spanish themed meal and will be prepared for us by award winning Chef Keith Hoare, head of the culinary program at Thistletown Collegiate, and his students. Ticket prices are $30 and all proceeds from this dinner will go to the Thistletown Euro Trip which will take place during March Break. Chef Keith will be taking some of his Grade 11 students on a trip to Spain where they will gain more knowledge about foreign cuisine to add to their culinary experience. This is Chef Keith’s last year at Thistletown, and he will be talking to us about his culinary program and some of the charitable work that his program is doing. He is an amazing teacher who teaches his students the art of cooking as well as providing them with valuable life lessons in helping others.
Ticket sales have already begun and approximately 45 have been purchased or spoken for to date. The maximum number that we can accommodate is 100 people so please get your tickets soon. They will be on sale after church for the next two Sundays. As well, people can contact members of Outreach to inquire about tickets.
Individuals can call directly Janet Ottewell at 416-200-2077 (janet.l.ottewell@gmail.com) or Kathy Twynam at 416-986-2114(kmtwynam@rogers.com).
If people are interested in supporting the students’ Euro Trip directly, they can make charitable donations to our Outreach account (cash, e-transfer, or cheque) and we will send a cheque to the Toronto District School Board marked for the Thistletown Euro Trip. Charitable receipts will be issued for individuals not from our church for any donations of $20 or more.