Welcome to Graceview Missions. Our mission focus is to improve the lives of vulnerable children in our world. Currently, we support children in Blantyre, Malawi, and in Puvirnituq, Nunavik. The Mission Committee members are, Anna Cherniak, Nancy McPherson, Margaret Munene, Maureen Screen, and Robin Telfer.
We meet on the second Monday of each month.

Malawi is a small landlocked country in south central Africa. In 2011 a Mission team from Graceview travelled to Malawi to listen and learn about the plight of orphan and vulnerable children caused by HIV/AIDS. In the years since that visit, the Graceview congregation has supported the St. James CCAP church in Blantyre, Malawi and their operation of the Tiyese Children’s Centre. There are currently forty children registered. Three women look after the children, one takes care of the kitchen and two are classroom facilitators. The children are provided with a uniform and school bag every two years and attend the centre each weekday morning during which time they have a nourishing meal.

The work of the Missions Team at Graceview encompasses the Inuit village of Puvirnituq in Nunavik, Quebec. Puvirnituq can be found just above the 60th parallel along the west coast of Hudson Bay.
Here the children find it challenging to attend school and to learn. Our mission is to encourage students to stay in school and participate in activities that promote happiness, friendship and good values. Our goal is to support these activities.
Anna Cherniak has lived and worked in Puvirnituq for ten years. Now retired, she continues to work as a Missions Team member at Graceview by keeping in close contact with the school. The Missions Team continues to support the needs of young people in the community.

Winter comes early in Purvirnituq. Inuktitut is
the first language on the welcome sign.

The Iguarsivik School has about 300 students and 25 teachers. A history of violence and substance abuse
in the community creates problems at school.

Purvirnituq is on the Povungnituk River about 15 km from the coast of Hudson Bay.

Jerina is currently doing an internship/ placement at Nyeri Town Health center. She is due to graduate next year in November 2025. The Mission Team is proud of Jerina’s outstanding performance in her trimester 1 2024 exams. She attained an average A distiction in almost all the subjects. The excellent performance can be attributed to the relief of having her school fees paid in full therefore taking that stress off her radar. Consequently, she was able to focus on her studies and to take the exams as scheduled. Before Graceview, through the Mission team, started supporting her, she struggled to pay her school fees and was therefore not allowed to sit for the exams. What a relief to her now! Graceview has impacted Jerina’s life in a very special way. Glory to God for working through Graceview to bless Jerina.