Welcome to the Graceview Presbyterian Church website. I hope you will spend a few moments looking around, discovering our church family. Our members and friends use words like ‘family,’’warm,’ and ‘welcoming’ to describe our church. We hope that you will find these words to be true of us!
We are a group of people committed to worshipping God, spreading his word, and serving communities both near and far. In normal times we gather at 10:30am every Sunday for worship, but we also seek to have opportunities to grow in faith, service and fellowship, at other times during the week. During the pandemic we worship and meet virtually online.
Our hope is that all people will feel loved and welcomed at Graceview. We pray that people will meet God in our midst and join us in following Jesus together.
While you are exploring our website, you will learn a little bit about our groups and programs. We invite you to join us in worship online by following the link on our homepage, and when the pandemic ends, to come to worship on Sunday at the church, to meet us in person and allow us to welcome you.
Enjoy the website, then come when you can. We’d love to meet you and know you.
Rev. Rebekah Mitchell