Eric Lee
Sermon Synopsis – September 3rd 2023
Gospel of Matthew 16:21-28
Pastor Eric explores the conflict between human concerns and God’s concerns through the lens of Peter’s response to Jesus’ revelation as the Messiah. Drawing from the portrayal of Peter in “The Chosen,” he highlights Peter’s expectation of a conquering king and contrasts it with Jesus’ plan to suffer and be killed.
The sermon delves into the distinction between fruitful suffering for the advancement of God’s Kingdom and suffering that results from avoiding real issues. Pastor Eric emphasizes that Jesus challenges his followers not to shy away from addressing problems, even if it means enduring suffering. He points out that true martyrdom isn’t about enduring hell to avoid suffering but living for the Kingdom and facing the consequences.
By urging the congregation to pay attention to what they avoid and embrace discomfort as potential areas for change, Pastor Eric encourages a deeper understanding of one’s cross to bear. He prompts introspection on how to emulate Jesus in various facets of life, playfully imagining ways to bring change for the Kingdom.
The sermon emphasizes that while picking up one’s cross isn’t about enjoying suffering, it’s driven by the joy set before us—the hope of God’s Kingdom taking root. It concludes by highlighting the paradox of feeling both fear and excitement, ultimately asserting that the hope of God’s Kingdom makes enduring suffering worthwhile.
Overall, Pastor Eric calls for a commitment to embracing discomfort, seeking change for the Kingdom, and finding joy in the hopeful prospect of God’s Kingdom in our lives and communities.