Relationship: Conflict Resolution

Relationship: Conflict Resolution

Sermon Synopsis – September 10rd 2023

Gospel of Matthew 18:15-20

In this sermon, the focus is on the essence of Christianity as
a relationship-based faith, emphasizing both our connection
with God and our relationships with others.

The sermon commences by underlining the paramount
significance of our relationship with God. It highlights how
Jesus came to restore this connection, describing sin as a
factor that damages this pivotal relationship. Emphasizing
the concept of grace and the role of faith in accepting God’s
gift, it delves into the core idea that Christianity revolves
around the restoration of our relationship with our Creator.

Moving on to our relationships with each other, the sermon
underscores Jesus’ emphasis on community and the
significance of nurturing a caring, supportive, and prayerful
community of believers. It touches upon the dynamics of

conflicts within a community, drawing from the relatable
conflicts portrayed in “The Chosen.”

The Gospel reading serves as a guide for addressing
conflicts within the church or any relationship. It advocates
for direct communication when hurt occurs, urging
individuals to speak one-on-one about their grievances. It
further advises seeking help if the one-on-one conversation
doesn’t resolve the issue, advocating for continued efforts
toward reconciliation. The sermon reflects on the
complexity of dealing with unrepentant members within a
community and underscores the importance of caring for
them despite their exclusion.

The sermon concludes by reinforcing Jesus’ promise to be
present when efforts for reconciliation are made. It
highlights the value Jesus places on the health of our
relationships with God and one another, encouraging
faithful nurturing of both these relationships for the glory of

Overall, the message centers on the core elements of
Christianity as a relationship-driven faith, emphasizing the

restoration of our connection with God and the significance
of fostering healthy relationships within communities.