Be a True Martyr
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Disciples Sent into the World
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Thanksgiving Day October 2022
Intro: Thanksgiving day is celebrated every second Monday in October as “a day of general thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed.” While this mandate for Thanksgiving may not be observed by all Canadians in its entirety, the ideas of being thankful, spending time with family and sharing a delicious meal remain.~ As Christians how do we see celebrate this day? Should be a one-time, once-a-year type thing? should it be all about…
God will go with you
God will go with you Jan HiemingaGraceview Sept. 18 2022 This week has been a week filled with sadness. We were still atthe cottage when we were told about the death of Elaine Chu,and shortly after that we heard about Eric, and all of that wasovershadowed by the death of our beloved Queen Elizabeth.After a month long quiet and wonderful time at a cottage on LakeHuron we came back to two funerals, and tomorrow we willwitness the funeral of her…
The beauty and the beast
Today I like to tell you the story of the beauty and the beast. It is not the about the play you may have seen in the theatres not to long ago. It is about another beauty, her name is Esther and the beast, well that is another story. He got what beasts deserve.The story takes place in Susa the capital of the mighty Persian empire where Xerxes orAhasveras, depending on what language you want to use, is king. The…
Christian Character
Sermon – Christian Character Jan HiemingaMatthew 5 1-12Some time ago one of the newspapers did a survey. It must have been alow day for news, because the paper filled a whole page with a survey theyhad done amongst their readers. The readers were asked, “What charactertrait do you most value in another person?”People were asked to give one word describing the character trait theymost value in other people. Well, the list was very long. It had everythingfrom integrity, courage, honesty,…
To Invite People to Live the Life of Prayer
Sermon Manuscript:Matthew 26:36-46 Dongwon JungGraceview Presbyterian ChurchJuly 17, 2022 Theological Theme: The Christian Life Focus Statement: Prayer is one of the most essential elements of our lives.Function Statement: To Invite People to Live the Life of Prayer Since last week we have been talking aboutthe essential elements of our lives.Last week,we talked about meeting Jesus and walking with Him.Now, this week, we will continue to talk aboutthe essential elements of our lives.This week we’ll think more specifically about prayer. Let…
To invite People to Meet Jesus and Walk with Him
Sermon Manuscript:John 1:43-51 Dongwon JungGraceview Presbyterian ChurchJuly 10, 2022 Theological Theme: Christology Focus Statement: One of the Essential Elements in Our Life is Encountering JesusFunction Statement: To invite People to Meet Jesus and Walk with Him For the next two weeks of worship services,we will be thinking about what is essential to our lives.What do you think are the things you must have in your life right now? Masks, vaccines, food, home, money, etc.Yes, so many things we consider as…