March 5, 2025 – Weekly News

March 5, 2025 – Weekly News

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Mar. 5, 2025

In putting together this week’s Weekly News I cannot help but weigh in on the insanity occurring south of our border. So, please forgive me from being a bit “editorial” but I feel so strongly about what is happening in our world. I have read the articles on Facebook. I have watched the news; I have prayed that saner heads will prevail but am still experiencing that sinking feeling that the world as I know is changing fast and drastically. Tariffs are now being levied upon us from what used to be a trusted neighbour. We are now (hopefully) buying products that are made in Canada, and we are now openly supporting our manufacturers and all things Canadian. Perhaps we should have done this sooner. We are now second-guessing decisions to vacation in the US. Personally, it will be a long time, if ever, that I will set foot on American soil. After witnessing what was nothing less than an ambush by Trump, Vance et al against Zelensky of the Ukraine in the oval office last week, I am appalled, as are countries around the world. Where is the compassion? Where is the humanity? Where is the dignity that is supposed to come to those in high office?

Timothy 2:1-4, states: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”.

Here is a message sent from Kathy T.

Hi friends, 

I thought this nailed it.  Watching that debacle in the Oval Office yesterday, I just wanted to hug that brave, brave man who is standing up for his country, and I definitely don’t mean Trump! 

A Rider at the Oval

A stranger rode into the hall of power,
a weary traveler from a battered land.
He came not to beg, but to stand,
bearing the weight of his people’s sorrow.

Yet cruelty met him at the door,
words like stones, cold and sharp,
not from foes upon the battlefield,
but from hands once stretched in promise.

Oh, how the world watches in silence,
as dignity is trampled by arrogance.
But the rider will ride on,
for his people still stand.

And history will remember—
not the cruelty, not the insult,
but the unbroken spirit
of those who will not kneel.

~ Author unknown


Clocks Go Forward This Weekend

Do not forget to move your clocks forward 1 hour this weekend as Daylight Savings Time is once again upon us. Enjoy the longer days as we approach Spring and then Summer.

Welcome Church of God

We now have a new tenant using our church building starting March 1, 20. The tenant is a Christian Church called the United Church of God. They have several congregations in Southern Ontario but unlike most Christian Churches, they meet on Saturdays.  They will be using Graceview every Saturday from noon to 5:00pm. That makes Graceview Church now the home to three congregations: the Korean Lutheran Church who meet Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons, the United Church of God, who meet Saturday afternoons and us. Please be aware of all these commitments when planning your group’s use of the facilities. This lease has a positive impact on Graceview’s financial needs as well as helping to spread the word of God.

A Word of Thanks from The Guatemalan Mission Team

“The mission team would like to thank everyone who donated to the children in Guatemala. We also deeply appreciate all of your prayers and encouragement. We’re excited to bring your blessings to the Guatemalans and return with stories to share.”


25,600 Cartoon Leprechaun Hat Royalty-Free Photos and Stock Images |  ShutterstockSt Patrick’s Day Luncheon.   Free St. Patrick's Day Animations - Clipart

We are pleased to announce that Outreach will be hosting a St Patrick’s Day Luncheon on Monday, March 17th at 12 pm in the downstairs hall.  Chef Dave Taylor will be preparing an Irish stew for the lunch and will demonstrate how to make it for us.  Every guest will receive a copy of his recipe.  We are looking forward to another lively presentation and an opportunity for those in attendance to ask “Chef Dave” questions about the stew.  Irish music will be provided and there will be lots of green to decorate the hall.  Feel free to wear some green in honour of the day!  There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the front foyer.  Please plan to attend and invite your friends to join us.  Free Will Offerings will be gratefully accepted.  The net proceeds will be donated to Outreach projects.

Mzuki Wa Inüili (An Afternoon of East African Music and Food):

Mzuki Wa Injili (An Afternoon of East African Music and Food), set to be held in Spring 2025

pending council approval, is an all-around celebration of East African culture with a particular focus on Kenyan Gospel music and food. Along with a social hour with Kenyan food, coffee, and snacks, the event will feature Kenyan gospel artist, Ruth Matete and her band as musical guests.


April 6 Time: 2:30pm – 4:00pm


Humbercrest United Church (Sanctuary or Heritage Hall)

Impetus and Outcomes:

Through the ministry of Rev. Diane, we, as the congregation of Humbercrest United Church, have the opportunity to offer new and unique experiences to the community around us.

Rev. Diane’s intimate connection to and knowledge of the East African community in Toronto is a particular asset in this regard. Thus, we feel that an authentic, respectful, and joyful celebration of Kenyan culture at Humbercrest United would be   a genuine opportunity to touch and engage with various communities around us, in a meaningful and intentional way. The primary goal of the event is to establish a meaningful and working relationship between Humbercrest, the East African Community of Toronto, and the Indigenous community Namares.

The event will be ticketed (Eventbrite) to raise funds to cover the costs of hosting the event. All proceeds beyond this threshold will be donated to Namares.

• Tickets: $20                                             

Buy Canadian

During all of the turbulence coming at us from south of the border, I have made a concerted effort to “Buy Canadian”. To help me with this, I have joined the Made in Canada group on Facebook, and I recently downloaded an App on my phone called Maple Scan. When I am shopping, I take a photo of an item and the App tells me who the Parent Company is, its location whether or not it is a product of Canada and whether or not it is made in Canada. It also details Canadian alternatives. This has taken much of the guess work out of shopping, as I want to do my part to support the workers of my country…a country that I dearly love. I hope that many of you will feel moved to do the same.

PS: There is another App that you can use. It is called “O SCANada”

World Day of Prayer 2025

Graceview is the host church for this year’s WDP which will take place on Saturday March 8th at 10:00 AM.

The subject this year is the Cook Islands in the south Pacific and the program was written by Christian women who live there. The program title is “I made you wonderful”, based on Psalm 139.

We hope we can count on your support. Please mark the date and invite your friends.

Maureen Screen

                               A Winter Devotional Update:

new edition of These Days (January/February/March), as well as the current edition of Our Daily Bread (December/January/February) are available on the table in the church vestibule and in the devotional box on the church porch.