Earl Nixon turns 90!
On February 3, 2025, a very special person celebrated a very special birthday. Earl Nixon turned 90! I’d like to tell you a bit about this remarkable man and what he has meant to our church for so many years. Earl has been a fixture at Grace and Graceview church for a very long time. He is an elder and at one time was active on session. However, he didn’t like what he viewed as “the politics”, so he retired…
Getting to Know Beth Smith
(Those of you who have gotten to know Beth may be interested to know that) Beth spent twenty years as a volunteer in a federal prison, providing programs for the inmates and their children. Initially, Beth’s husband Bob began going into Beaver Creek Institution, which houses over 700 inmates in both minimum- and maximum security settings, to offer Christian spiritual services. Later, Beth joined the small group of volunteers from the nearby Gravenhurst community. She continued after Bob died to attend weekly meetings with twelve to fifteen inmates. The volunteers knew…
Prayer Roster Lay Readers Welcome and Announcements
Prayer Roster Lay Readers Welcome and Announcements Prayer Roster Lay Readers Welcome & Announcements Sept 29 Rev. Donald Hill Kathy Twynam Kathy Twynam Oct 6 Eric Lee Nancy Mcpherson Lynn Bishop Oct 13 Maureen Screen Al Bishop Susan Chopp Oct 20 Errol Baldeo Lynne Bishop Bob Twynam Oct 27 Ethel Waite Anna Cherniak Nancy McPherson Nov 3 Susan Chopp Nancy Green Lynne Bishop Nov 10 Nancy McPherson Harry Learoyd Susan Chopp Nov 17 Eric Lee Chris Parr Kathy Twynam Nov…
Coffee/Tea Sign – Up is Here Again
The sign-up sheet for coffee/tea service after worship is on the bulletin board opposite the kitchen downstairs. Please sign yourselves up or sign up your committee so that our Fellowship time after church can continue. Sept. 29 – Rachael and Georgena October – Outreach Team