December 4, 2024 – Weekly news

December 4, 2024 – Weekly news

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Dec. 4, 2024

The second week of Advent

The second week of Advent centers on the theme of peace. The second candle, often referred to as the “Bethlehem Candle,” is lit to symbolize the peace that Christ brings to the world. This week encourages believers to reflect on the idea of peace in their lives and communities.

The focus during the second week is not only on the peace of Christ but also on how individuals can contribute to peace in their surroundings, promote reconciliation, and foster understanding and compassion toward others. At this time of turmoil around our world, let us all pray for peace in war-torn countries. May our leaders bring an end to war.

Isaiah 40: 1-5; 9-11

 Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.
Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.

A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.
And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has

You who bring good news to Zion, go up on a high mountain You who bring good news to Jerusalem,[a] lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, “Here is your God!”
10 See, the Sovereign Lord comes with power, and he rules with a mighty arm. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.
11 He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.


Church Offering Envelopes for 2025

The Church Offering Envelopes for 2025 will be available soon.  Please be sure to check your mailbox. If you are not on the Pars program and you do not have offering envelopes and would like to receive them, please see Jackie Taylor at church or contact her by email at

Christmas Angel Program for Food Basket Families

The St James Food Basket plans to give out gift cards to their client families at Christmastime.   The Food Basket has been serving over 300 families per week and numbers continue to increase, especially at this time of year.   The Outreach Committee would like to continue our past support for this endeavour and provide a bit of Christmas cheer for people who are finding their resources stretched even further during the holiday season.  Further details as to gift card amounts will be provided, when available.

Outreach is asking the congregation for monetary donations to be used to purchase gift cards.  Please mark your donations (cash, cheque or e-transfer) for the Outreach Account and include your envelope number.  We would appreciate receiving your donations by December 15th at the latest in order that we can send the funds to the Food Basket for them to purchase the gift cards.  This is the 5th year that we have had this program and the response from our members has always been very positive.  Thank you in advance for your support in bringing the joy of Christmas to those in need in our community.

Prayer Roster

We are looking for additional congregants to help with the Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession. If you feel that you would like to volunteer to read this prayer occasionally on a Sunday morning, please speak to Bob Twynam. This is not a difficult task, as this prayer can be found on the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s website. All you have to do is print it off and you are set. OR if you feel that you would like to make up your own prayer, you are most welcome to do so.

Elaine’s Craft Club Christmas Luncheon

Elaine’s Craft Club invites everyone to join them for a Christmas Lunch at The Prince Restaurant at 5555 Eglinton Ave. W. In Centennial Park Plaza on Tuesday December 10th at 12:00.

The Prince is a Japanese restaurant where they serve teppanyaki lunch which is where you sit at tables for eight and the chef prepares your meal right in front of you.

A sign-up list will be posted on the front bulletin board. Car-pooling/rides can be available just speak to Maureen Screen or Norma Hendershot.

It’s a special experience which we hope everyone will come out and enjoy with us.

A Fall Devotional Update

new edition of Our Daily Bread (December/January/February), as well as the current edition of These Days (October/November/December) are available on the table in the church vestibule and in the devotional box on the church porch.


* Pray for the people of war-torn countries who are living in fear and uncertainty. Pray for those close to home who need your special love and guidance during trying times.

* Please keep in your prayers the following:  Robert Soth, Zachariah Mwangi, Shirley P., Helen C., Josephine Wong, Shelia Thomas’ grandson, Carter, Ed L., Bob N., Lenore C., Charlotte Prentice, Joan and Peter K.,  Margaret M’s brother, Simon, the Jarvis family, Olive S., Roman P.,   Jean Fox’s nephew, Ryan, Anna C. and Gordon F.  Please keep these folks, and indeed, everyone in our church family and people around the world, in your prayers.

Note from your editor: Could you please advise us from time to time on the status of your loved ones so that updates can be recorded and shared to prove that the power of prayer does work miracles.