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Jan. 15, 2025
1 Corinthians 12:1-14 (scripture reading for this Sunday) is about the unity and diversity of the body of Christ, and how all members should care for each other.
Key ideas
- The body of Christ is made up of many members, but all members are one body.
- Each member has a unique role to play, and all members are needed.
- Members should care for each other, even if they have different gifts.
- The Holy Spirit gives each person their unique gifts.
- Believers should value the role they play in Christ’s body.
Reflections - Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 12 to refute the Corinthian church’s division of members into those with more spiritual gifts and those without.
- The lesson of 1 Corinthians 12:1-14 is that all members of the body of Christ are needed and should care for each other.
- The gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to believers can include wisdom, faith, healing, and more.
- The gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to believers are meant to be used to serve the whole body, not just the individual.
We have different strengths and weaknesses, experiences, and abilities. Yet the Holy Spirit has baptized, or immersed, each of us into the one body of Christ. And He has put each of us within the body where He wants us to be, for the benefit of the body as a whole. We are all different, but we need each other.
4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same
God at work.
1Corinthians 12:4-6
Thank You
A big thank you to the 10 people who helped on Tuesday morning, (Jan. 7)! Banners and flowers were changed as was the bulletin board. All Christmas décor was taken down and put back into storage. A good home was found for the two poinsettias. There were a lot of laughs shared. Thank you to all who came out, a big job made easy and fun. L. Bishop
Annual Report
Work on the 2024 Annual Report has begun. The report will be similar to the previous three reports – that is it will be a narrative and pictorial, professionally printed booklet. It should be available in March 2025 in time for our Annual Meeting.
In order to make sure it tells a complete story about Graceview in 2024, we ask that all
committee chairpersons or group leaders (or someone designated by them) prepare a brief summary, in point form, of highlights of what your committee/group did in 2024 – these are the things you would like to see included in the Annual Report. If you have some pictures, you could include that would be great. Also, if you have some quotes that people have said about what you have been doing, please include them.
If you are not involved in committees or groups but have an idea about what should be included in the Annual Report, please let us know.
All reports and submissions should be sent to Bob Twynam at no later than Friday January 24, 2025
A Fall Devotional Update
A new edition of Our Daily Bread (December/January/February), as well as the current edition of These Days (October/November/December) are available on the table in the church vestibule and in the devotional box on the church porch.