March / April 2025

March / April 2025

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Minister’s Message – March / April

 What a winter it has been!  With the multiple snowstorms we’ve been gifted with lately, it’s hard not to marvel at the beauty and power of God’s creation.  As we take in the wonder of nature, let us also turn our hearts to something even more wonderful – the Holy Scripture.  Just as the snow blankets the earth, may God’s Word cover our lives with wisdom and truth. [ Read More… ]

St. Patrick – Patron Saint of Ireland

St. Patrick is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland and was probably responsible in part for the Christianization of the Picts and Anglo-Saxons. The available body of evidence about him is contradictory. It appears that Patrick was born in Roman Britain in the early part of the fifth century, but as a teenager was captured by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Ireland. [ Read More…]

Money Talks

So far in my life, which has included service not only to our church but to other organizations in which I have served as an executive member, such as the now defunct Home and School Association, my long-ago bowling league, and Let There be Music Choir, I have always managed to steer very clear of anything to do with looking after other people’s money. Taking care of money and making financial decisions just wasn’t happening, no matter in what other position I served.  Until now, that is. [ Read More… ]

PCC – Rachel Chen

 God draws people to Himself in many ways; for me, He used YouTube, among many other things.

My parents immigrated to Canada from China in 1999, and I was born the year after. Being new immigrants with the desire to integrate better into Canadian society and seeing the United Church helping the poor, they decided to join. [ Read More… ]

Earl Nixon turns 90!

On February 3, 2025, a very special person celebrated a very special birthday. Earl Nixon turned 90! I’d like to tell you a bit about this remarkable man and what he has meant to our church for so many years. 

Earl has been a fixture at Grace and Graceview church for a very long time. He is an elder and at one time was active on session. However, he didn’t like what he viewed as “the politics”, so he retired from active session duty sometime after our amalgamation.  He told Rev. Jan, who was minister at the time, “I can serve God best by working with my hands.”  [ Read More… ]

Hymn Stories: The Old Rugged Cross

On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,

The emblem of suff’ring and shame;

And I love that old cross where the dearest and best

For a world of lost sinners was slain.


Going to Church

Adapted from an article by Theodore Roosevelt, Ladies Home Journal, 1917.  Theodore Roosevelt (1858 – 1919) was the 26th president of the United States, serving from 1901 to 1909. 


Out of the Cold

On Friday, February 7, our Outreach Committee prepared and served a hot meal to about 80 unhoused and needy people at All Saints Anglican Church, a program we have participated in for at least 25 years. The popular menu, which we have used for the  past several years, consisted of soup (prepared at the church), rolls, salad, shepherd’s pie, and dessert. Nancy and Ken Green are always on hand to keep the dishwasher running  and to scrub those pots and pans!

If it Doesn’t Give you Joy, Out it Goes!

I look around my house these days, and it’s easy to get discouraged at so much clutter! It’s not a big house, as houses go. It’s a fairly basic three-bedroom bungalow of about 1800 square feet, built in 1955, and it’s pretty dated. In 1994 we moved in, and in 1998 gutted and replaced the original kitchen. In 2002 we did the same to the main floor bathroom. The updated version of both is now outdated. The kitchen is large, with lots of cupboards, every one of which is crammed full. [ Read More… ]

Tortellini with Mushroom and Garlic Sauce

A recipe to save the day if you’re out of steam, out of time, or out of ideas…I have made it many times. [ Read More… ]