From Now On You Will Fish For People
From Now On You Will Fish For People Eric Lee Sermon Synopsis – January 26th 2025 Luke 5:1-11 As part of a pulpit exchange at a church he had once served, Pastor Eric Lee shares a personal testimony of faith inspire by his Epiphany reflection. He recounts his journey into ministry, emphasizing the transformative call to trust humility, and discipleship. By stepping into the unknown and relying on God’s grace, he highlights how Jesus invites each of us to join…
Our Need to Hear God’s Word – Tim Bruneau
Sermon Synopsis – January 26th 2025 Amos 8:4-12 The Prophet Amos predicted a time of famine regarding hearing the word of God. Though we may not recognize it, there is a spiritual famine in our day. As Christians may we take up the responsibility to be & speak the word of the LORD today. We pray that people receive the ‘Bread of Life’ (Jesus) they desperately need.
The Promise of Compassion
As we light the second Advent candle, the candle of Peace, we reflect on The Promise of Compassion, rooted in God’s tender mercy and fulfilled in the birth of Jesus. Advent reminds us of the hope, love, joy, and peace Christ brings, calling us to embody His compassion.
Greatness in God’s Eyes
As we go about our daily lives, we are consistently confronted with the idea of greatness. Whether it be sports, the business world, or even the realm of social media, we are always chasing after greatness. Our secular culture often defines greatness as power, wealth, or status. Interestingly, this is not only true of our modern era; in Mark 10:35-45, two of Jesus’ closest disciples (James and John) were caught up in this idea of greatness. They pleaded with Jesus for positions of honor and glory, to be seated at our Lord’s right and left hand.
Handled with Prayer
his sermon concludes the study of James, focusing on the practical outworking of faith and the vital role of prayer in the Christian life. James teaches that faith must be lived out in action, encouraging believers to turn to prayer in all
circumstances—whether facing trouble, sickness, or joy.
Isreal in God’s Plan
Sermon Summary – August 18, 2024
Two theological positions hinder Jewish outreach: dual covenant theology and replacement theology. God’s covenants with Israel can be conditional or unconditional. His promises were fulfilled, are being fulfilled, or will be fulfilled in the end-time future. God’s covenant with Abraham was unconditional (Genesis 12:1-4), and so was the Land promise (Gen. 15:18-21).
Good Friday March 29
In this poignant sermon for Good Friday, delivered during a service with Communion by Intinction, the congregation is invited to reflect deeply on the raw emotions and struggles of life, particularly in the face of suffering and loss. Drawing from the Psalm reading and personal experiences, the speaker acknowledges the existence of “Bad Fridays” – moments of deep despair and questioning where it feels as though God is silent and distant.
What are you doing here?
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Stumbling Block?!
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Not out of Selfish Ambition
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From Cynicism to Epiphany
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Relationship: Conflict Resolution
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