December 31, 2024 – Weekly News

December 31, 2024 – Weekly News

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Dec. 31, 2024

Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. — John 14:27 (NIV)
As the Christmas festivities come to an end and the twinkling lights begin to fade, find a peaceful space to unwind and contemplate the lessons learned and the blessings received during this special time. Feel yourself relax and recharge as you prepare for the new year ahead with renewed hope and energy.

5 Questions to Create a Powerful New Year

What am I proud of this past year?
My successes and achievements, both personally and professionally.
What obstacles held me back?
In love, in health and in my relationships
How can I use these challenges to grow?
What were the hiccups I encountered and how can I use them to move forward?
What have I most appreciated?
Throughout the year what are the little things I appreciated most?
Where am I going?
Imagine 3 years down the track, where would you like to be?

Every Day Presses a Reset Button
Every day begins anew. Each day you actually have the opportunity to press the reset button. You leave your emotions and moods behind every evening and the next morning you have a choice. Whether to pick up where you left off or to choose something new.
New Year’s reflections are similar. Rather than the day before, it’s the year before. You get an opportunity to choose something new or carry on right where you left off.
A New Year’s Reflection is a NEW beginning. You don’t have to repeat the last year. This is your opportunity to begin afresh. The magic of writing your 5 reflection questions down is that you get to consolidate, right before your own eyes and choose what you would prefer for the next year.

New Years Resolutions
Rather than a New Year’s Resolution, which seems to be a flimsy term at the moment (mainly for those who don’t achieve them), you have a written reflection. Each New Year’s Day symbolizes letting go of the past and
moving toward a brand-new future that you get to create.

Don’t underestimate the power of your choices. You are the creator of your own destiny, and you are only limited by your own thoughts about the past. So, it’s time to let them go and create something new and wonderful.

The Power is in the Reflection
A New Year’s Resolution helps you to decide what you want but a New Year’s Reflection helps you to understand where you are. And you need to know where you are so that you can head toward what you want.
So, a life you love never happens by chance. Joy, fun, love and abundance are never about chance but individual choices and a New Year’s Reflection helps you to push the reset button to re-design your future along your Soul Path toward a life you really love. Something that you’ll be proud of, and a life filled with
purpose and meaning.

Heavenly Father, as I unwind and reflect, help me carry the lessons and love from this season into the new year, so that I may continue to grow closer to You and spread Your light.

GoFundMe for Shannon Jarvis

Shannon Jarvis has been dealing with serious health issues for all of her life and has endured major hardships and setbacks in her health in the last three years, especially. She recently came home from more than a two year stay in the hospital in 2022-2024, that has left her with the inability to walk, indefinitely, at the age of 34.
Now that she is home in her parents’ house, she is confined to her bedroom as the house and bathroom are not wheelchair accessible. Another friend and I have started a GoFundMe for Shannon to raise money for a bathroom renovation, to make her bathroom wheelchair accessible so she can live more comfortably in her home.

The link for the GoFundMe for Shannon is here:

Donations are greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time.

Jennifer Lunardo