Posts from 2025 (Page 3)
January 15, 2025 – Weekly News
Download the Weekly News in PDF Jan. 15, 20251 Corinthians 12:1-14 (scripture reading for this Sunday) is about the unity and diversity of the body of Christ, and how all members should care for each other.Key ideas God at work.1Corinthians 12:4-6 Thank You A big thank you to the 10 people who helped on Tuesday morning, (Jan. 7)! Banners and flowers were changed as was the bulletin board. All Christmas décor was taken down and put back into storage. A…
January 8, 2025 – Weekly News
Download the PDF What is Epiphany? Epiphany is a Christian holiday celebrated on January 6th, 12 days after Christmas in the Gregorian calendar, marking the end of the Christmas holiday.What does Epiphany mean, and what does the day commemorate?Epiphany, meaning “manifestation” or “showing forth”, has been celebrated since the end of the second century, before the Christmas holiday was established. It is commonly known as Twelfth Night, Twelfth Day, or the Feast of Epiphany. It is also called Theophany or…
January / February 2025
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Graceview Family! As we step into 2025, we are invited not only to chart new paths forward but also to engage in deeper reflection—on who we are, why we are here, and what it truly means to walk with God.
Hymn Stories: This is My Father’s World
Hymn Stories: This is My Father’s World Adapted from 101 Hymn Stories – Kenneth W. Osbeck Author: Maltbie D. Babcock 1858-1901 Composer: Franklin L. Sheppard 1852-1930 This is my Father’s world, And to my list’ning ears All nature sings, and round me rings The music of the spheres. Maltbie D. Babcock was born in Syracuse, New York, on August 3, 1858, of a socially prominent family. Later he became recognized as one of the outstanding Presbyterian ministers of his generation. He…
Susan B. Anthony Paves the Way
Susan B. Anthony Paves the Way Adapted from an essay by Joanna Strong and Tom B. Leonard Kathy Twynam It has been rumoured that sometime within the next year, Ontarians will be facing an election – perhaps provincial, perhaps federal, perhaps both, if our politicians can ever get over themselves and decide what to do. And many of us followed the recent compelling US election with great interest, knowing that the repercussions were bound to spill over into Canada no matter who won. …
Choir Notes
The year was 1970, and Grace Church was struggling. Its minister, Rev. Bill Mitchell, retired on December 31 that year, leaving the pulpit vacant until the arrival in September 1971 of Rev. R. Campbell “Cam” Taylor. Cam served as Grace’s beloved minister for almost five years, until May 1976, and after retirement in 2001 returned with his wife Sandy to the newly amalgamated Graceview as Minister in Association and later Minister Emeritus. We tend to think of churches as thriving in those days fifty years ago,…
The Past Life of Maureen Screen
The Past Life of Maureen Screen by Parkland Resident Don Kerr Maureen Screen awoke on a morning in 1954 to find that Hurricane Hazel flooding had washed away fourteen homes on her street and killed thirty-two residents, including the five-year-old neighbour she walked to school every day. The first thing she heard that day was a voice on a loudspeaker from a helicopter whirring overhead. It was warning residents who had sought refuge on the roofs of their houses to remain there to be rescued…
The Mysterious St. ValentineJanuary 2025
In mid-February we will celebrate the Feast of St. Valentine, a day on which, traditionally, people express their love for each other, sending Valentine’s cards or giving gifts, often of candy or flowers. In schools, children send greetings to their classmates, and often an entire week is devoted to Valentine activities such as the decorating of special bags to hold one’s messages of friendship. Sometimes, there is a classroom party, with special treats such as cinnamon hearts or pink iced cupcakes. Oddly enough, although in many public…